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Region GreenTex Hubs

The concept of the Hub explained, how your regional hub can assist you

Within RegioGreenTex, five textile recycling hub ecosystems are identified. A RegioGreenTex hub is an organized ecosystem within the textile value chain which encourages investments and share knowledge. It is a supporting backbone of one or more regions within the EU that actively creates synergies between partners and within the regions to keep up and grow the circular potential of the companies. The Hub serves as a crucial nexus connecting a diverse mix of triple helix partners. To find solutions a Hub is pooling their capabilities, expertise, and machinery to foster collaboration and innovation. The ultimate goal of a Hub is driving growth and development of the textile recycling ecosystem.

RegioGreenTex, a European Green Deal initiative

This project promotes collaboration in research and development for the textile industry among the four major sectors of society. RGT aims to establish a systematic circular economy business model across the EU, involving 11 textile-intensive regions in 8 European countries to support their local SMEs.
Lowlands GreenTex Hub: dedicated to creating an active, organized ecosystem across three RegioGreenTex regions: Flanders, Hauts-de-France, and East Netherlands.

☑️East Netherlands: Building a Local Post-Consumer Value Chain for Chemical Recycling (Saxcell, Regionaal Textielsorteercentrum Twente).
☑️Flanders: Developing a Local Value Chain for Reuse and Recycling to Eliminate Waste (Quest, Ecoso).
☑️Hauts-De-France: Establishing a Local Value Chain for Aramids (Peignage Dumortier, Textile de La Thierache).

The Hub supports SMEs in scaling up, sharing knowledge, attracting investments and closing the loop across various R-strategies. Our goal is to drive the growth and development of the textile reuse and recycling ecosystem.

Portugal GreenTex Hub: based in the Northern region of Portugal, is dedicated to maximizing the recycling potential of textiles, especially those with a high percentage of cotton.
This hub is powered by CITEVE, Sasia, and Tintex, with support from the Portuguese Textile Cluster. At Circular Textile Days, they will showcase their Special Interest Centre’s capabilities and present various prototypes and projects.

During the fair, RegioGreenTex brings together all Lowlands and Portugese partners to connect with new stakeholders, share insights about their value chain projects, and explore potential collaborations.

Collaboration is crucial for driving the growth of the textile reuse and recycling ecosystem, and we are dedicated to making this a reality!


Sylvia Snoeren, project manager circular economy @ Oost NL, focus circular textiles.

Regional Development Agency Oost NL
Oost NL focuses its activities and projects on strengthening and stimulating the economy of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel (East Netherlands). We support innovative SME businesses and work closely with regional institutes, knowledge institutes, and intermediaries. Oost NL acts as a bridge between government, innovative companies and knowledge institutes.

Oost NL is one of the 43 partners of the i3 project RegioGreenTex.

Targeted audience

This session is designed for professionals and stakeholders involved in the textile industry who are interested in circular economy practices, particularly in the areas of textile recycling and sustainability.
Including representatives from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), industry clusters and research institutions. It is also highly relevant for policymakers, innovation managers and business leaders who are looking to enhance their region’s circular potential, foster collaborative partnerships and drive sustainable growth within the textile sector. Participants who want to understand how regional hubs within the RegioGreenTex framework can support their business and innovation goals will find this session particularly valuable.

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