Recap Circular Textile Days 2021


Circular Textile Days 2021 has inspired, enhanced insights and connected initiators to stimulate circular textile solutions. Check out the buttons below for the first edition of our platform.

The Swapshop at Circular Textile Days 2023


Prodentfabriek 2021

“Waste is a design flaw”

Kate Kreba

Presentations & recordings ’21

14 September

Mariska Boer, President of EuRIC Textiles: How can EU policy drive circularity in textiles?

Ruud Scheerder of RS Sustainability with Mireille Reijme of Rijkswaterstaat (Department of Waterways and Public Works)

Circular gowns for healthcare (Covid-19), developed by CleanLease Consortium, with the Amsterdam Economic Board – by Roosmarie Ruigrok & Marten Boels

Shirley Schijvens of Schijvens Confectiefabriek: our circular journey: only winners!

Edwin Maes, consultant Clothing Textiles of Centexbel: overview of the textile recycling technologies

Annemieke Koster, of Enschede Textielstad and the TexPlus Foundation: the status and opportunities of textile production nearby and the collaboration with Frankenhuis textile recycling, part of Boer Group

Paulien Harmsen of WUR (Wageningen University & Research) explores the options for replacing non-renewable feedstock in the textile industry by using biomass-based feedstock and optimizing recycling technologies

Centexbel & Modint introduce the Interreg NWE Circtex project: development of recycling and production technologies in a closed-loop process for PET workwear, presented by Marta Molist of Antex and John Beelen of Wear2Go

kringels paars

15 September

WUR (Wageningen University & Research): sense and non-sense in circular workwear procurement by Michiel Scheffer

Modint: Extended Producers Responsibility, EPR (UPV)and the transition to a circular and sustainable Dutch fashion and textile business, by Peter Koppert

NEN Delft: the regulation of circular textile classification by NTA 8195: the current phase, the certification requirements and expectations of European regulation of circular textile products (CEN), by Gillian Herpers

‘Purchasing, wearing and disposing is still the norm. Only together we can get rid of discard-thinking’ – interactive session by Erica van Doorn, managing director Stichting Sympany

Dr. Ir. Natascha van der Velden (independent researcher and consultant sustainable fashion, holding a PhD from Delft University of Technology, on LCA of textiles) & Rachel Cannegieter: make your sustainable development a reality through impact measurement

FTN / TKT (Federatie Textielbeheer Nederland/ Technologisch Kenniscentrum Textielverzorging) – Henk Gooijer: textile care practices and sustainability

Researcher Dr. Muhammad Maqsood, of Faculty of Science and Engineering, of Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM): introduction of the institute and research group and explore the collaboration opportunities with the textile industry

Announced soon

To meet again in 2025

At 1931 Congress Centre, ‘s-Hertogenbosch

1931 Congress Centre in ‘s-Hertogenbosch is the historical conference centre and the next place to be.